from http://rockybru.blogspot.com
"I have proof". Johari Ismail, 49, came out of the Dang Wangi police station at 6.15pm. He said it took nearly two hours as the cops had to call back the officer-in-charge (who was on duty at the PWTC, where Pak Lah is expected to deliver the Umno presidential address tomorrow) to deal with the report against the Umno President.
Johari said he is backed by no one and no Umno leader had asked him to lodge the report.
"I'm doing this as a concerned Umno member," said Johari, who is an Umno branch exco member (Kg Tahang Rimau, Segamat, Johor). "I am concerned about the erosion within Umno."
Johari also told the press conference, "I have proof" that a political crime had been committed by Pak Lah (against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the former PM) during an Umno Supreme Council meeting of 28 August 2006, and is prepared to face the consequences of his action.
Pada Khamis 28 Ogos 2006, jam 300 petang, bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat Utama UMNO, Ibu Pejabat UMNO, Tingkat 38, Menara Dato’ Onn, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur telah diadakah sebuah mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.
Dalam mesyuarat itu, Minit Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO selepas telah membincangkan secara terperinci usaha menggagalkan mantan Presiden UMNO, YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad untuk bertanding sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu ke Mesyuarat Agung UMNO 15-17 November 2006, dalam pemilihan Perwakilan pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu pada 9 September 2006 di Jitra, Kedah.
Dalam perbincangan ini, turut dirakamkan tugasan tugasan yang ditanggung jawabkan kepada beberapa ahli MKT UMNO untuk laksanakan agar Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad gagal dipilih sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu.
Setelah menyedari Minit Mesyuarat pada 28 Ogos itu mengandungi perbincangan secara terperinci mengenai niat jahat menghalang mantan Presiden UMNO itu dipilih sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu, maka Presiden UMNO YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah mengarahkan Brig. Jen (B) Dato’ Hussainay Hashim, Setiausaha Kerja MKT UMNO, mewakili Sekretariat UMNO agar tiga muka surat Minit Mesyuarat tersebut dikecualikan dari Minit Mesyuarat asal.
Walaupun ditegur oleh Ahli MKT UMNO YB Dato’ Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim kerana perbuatan mengecualikan sebarang maklumat dari Minit Mesyuarat yang telah direkod dan sediakan itu sebagai menyalahi peraturan mesyuarat, namun begitu Presiden UMNO masih berdegil. Maka arahan itu dilaksanakan dan Minit Mesyuarat rasmi pada MKT UMNO 28 Ogos 2006 telah mengecualikan tiga helai muka surat asal mengenai perbincangan mengenai usaha mengagalkan pemilihan mantan Presiden UMNO sebagai Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Kubang Pasu pada 9 September 2006.
Olehdemikian, kerana MKT UMNO telah mengesahkan satu Minit Mesyuarat pada 28 Ogos 2006 yang telah di’ubah suai’, maka saya minta siasatan dibuat kerana ini jelas melanggar peraturan mesyuarat dan ujud unsur konspirasi melakukan ‘jenayah politik’ kepada mantan Presiden UMNO.
Original posting
Dang Wangi.- Right now Johari Ismail, an Umno member from Johor, is lodging a police report against Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur.
The police report is believed to be linked to the "missing minutes" from an Umno Supreme Council meeting last year. The meeting was chaired by Pak Lah as Umno president.
Johari, an award-winning journalist back in the 80s, went into the station at 4.25pm to lodge the report. At this minute (5.17pm), he is still in there.

tunku : let see whether the police will investigate this or .........
Tabik spring to Johari Ismail. You got BALLS, man!
this is not a criminal act, so the police will not investigate, the only thing is ROS can take action if complaint lodged to them with some evidence.we hope that johari will take this matter further to ROS as this shameful act should be made known to all umno members and malaysian.
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