KUALA LUMPUR: Stay out of the controversy involving the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) – that’s the stern message for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, who rebuked Karunanidhi for interfering, said what happened here had “nothing to do with Tamil Nadu.”
”Do not meddle in our affairs. This is Malaysia, not Tamil Nadu ... lay off,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby yesterday, when asked about wire reports that Karunanidhi had written to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urging him to take immediate and appropriate action to end the “sufferings and bad treatment” of Tamils in Malaysia.
Nazri said he would not apologise for calling those who participated in the Hindraf rally on Sunday “penyangak” (thugs), stressing that the demonstrators had violated the law as no permit was issued.
He explained that it was illogical to assume that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would not accept their memorandum.
“I cannot accept the action of 20,000 people who want to be involved in a simple action of submitting a memorandum. They can send one person or even 10. The question is – are they really sincere in highlighting their grievances, or are they trying to create chaos?
“It’s a mistake to make an apology to them. It’s not the Indian community that’s involved. Don’t be samseng (gangster),” he said, adding that the issue was discussed at yesterday’s Cabinet meeting.
Nazri said police would probe a petition to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, which stated that a genocide would occur here with the Indian community being forced into violence like in Sri Lanka if their “cause” was ignored.
“The Attorney-General’s Chambers will study who sent the petition and charge the writer for sedition. The Hindraf memorandum is also a matter of concern because its contents are seditious,” he added.
“I’m sure these matters will also create animosity between the Indians, the Malays and the Government. We will take action. These people must be responsible for their actions.”
Nazri also reiterated Abdullah’s warning that the Internal Security Act would be used if the situation warranted it.
“Don’t challenge the Government. They can try and hold a rally again and see what will happen,” he added.
"The authorities were accused of excessive action. Look at France, whose police used tear gas and even rubber bullets when a demonstration occurred there.”
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has expressed support for most of the demands made by Hindraf.
He told reporters yesterday that he turned up at the Klang Sessions Court on Saturday to give moral support to lawyers P. Uthayakumar, Waythamoorthy and V.S. Ganapathi Rao.
Anwar said he had advised Hindraf not to use Article 153 of the Federal Constitution to pursue their demands as it involved the rights and privileges of the Malays and other indigenous local folk.
In a separate press conference, Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang urged Nazri to apologise unconditionally for labelling the demonstrators “penyangak.”
tunku : Nazri for this issue again I salute you and we fully support you on this. Other country should not meddle or poke their bloody nose here.india has been discriminating their minorities there but we never poke our nose there, so mr cm tamil nadu BACK OFF.
I agree with you about this matter. We do not need outsiders to tell us what to do.
yes...and also please dont bid for any projects for your malay government from India also...stay away from our country.
hindraf did big mistake, if they rallied for the cause of the poor in this country, they will have great support from all the races but instead they used religion and condemn/criticized the malay's right.
they had shown that they are racist group.
we do not need people who ask foreign leaders to help them and destroy our country's image, ban this group
someone named anonymous said that the malay government don't bid projects in india, hello mr hindraf, the government is not bidding any project in india, its the private companies,ada minum todi ka?
This is to aisha,
in one of you comments to a news, you said about transperancy....lets see whether you will publish my comments....Malays are fair...they say...lets see are you one of them?
No wonder the MIC doesn't care for this bunch. They are a disgrace to the Indians. A bunch of pariahs holding up with pride a picture of the person responsible for their troubles. Demented fools.
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