City police chief Datuk Mohmad Salleh said this was decided at a meeting between the police and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali on Friday.
"Following the discussion, they have decided and promised to have a peaceful gathering at the car park," Mohmad told a press conference.
tunku : the police should allow justice for saiful's group to be allowed to gather at the court complex car park too. be fair to both , not one side only.
the police have made a big mistake by allowing such gathering.It is infact a stupid mistake. Just wait and see what would be the outcome of such stupid decision.Dont blame anyone for the wrong decision made. may God bless the IGP for that matter the Minister in charge of home affairs.The result of such decision would be chaos and havoc Please mark my words. Not only that, this shows the police is abetting the offence of contempt of the court.
Do they have enough personnel to prevent anything bad happen?. Im just worried that police only focus on the spot area that they approved but forget about the other area which is can create a trouble ie huru-hara di sekitar ibukota, universiti etc. Hmmm.......kadang2 kita fikir dengan buka ruang untuk mereka maka kita dah settle masalah kerana berfikir dalam kotak fikiran orang baik2 tetapi sebenarnya jika kita fikir apa yang orang tidak baik fikirkan kita akan merasa takut sebenarnya. Jika tuan nak faham maksud saya lihat filem terbaru Shah Rukh Khan- Don 2 yang box office di Australia hehehhee!
police since Paklah is a Paper Tiger...That what al Jub wants..Paklah Lelap tak sedar di liwat. U dont Blame the POlice..Home Minister is .....BN Lembek, Lemah.. Tun M..the best..Missed him..
Apa nak dibuat.. Paklah buat segalanya hancur. Polis kini da mcm RELA...Pegawal dikedai Mas...Bila Polis lemah RAKYAT akan pandang Kerajaan lemah..Caya la BN akan terlingkup. PKR apa BN buat semuanya tak elok dimata meka. BN masih ikut telunjuk Pakatan.Melemahkan undang yg sedia ada.Rakyat Malaysia tak bising pun tentang hak asasi Manusia, Tak ada hak kah kita selama ini ? saja di spin ikut acuan Pakatan. BN aja bebal. Polis punya keja cegah Jenayah. Sekiranya perhimpunan haram ini berlarutan dan Kerja Polis cara mcm ini tidak akan selesaikan masalah Apa nak jadi kepada Negara.? Saya ingat Polis dan keluarga meka akan marah dgn sikap kerajaan kudakan Polis.Era Dollah undi meka lari ke Pakatan. Setiap kali perhimpuan ada saja anggota/Pegawi Polis akan di Kambing Hitamkan. Apa akan jadi masa depan Pegawai dan anggota POlis tersebut , Meka ada tangungan. BN Please Wake up. jd terlelap mcm Samdol..
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