PAS, he said, would need cooperation from other opposition parties before it could implement the Islamic law, but PKR and DAP did not share similar aspirations.
However, Zaid, who is also the Federal Territory PKR chairman, said everything was possible if the opposition alliance managed to wrest power from Barisan Nasional.
If that happened, he said, Pakatan Rakyat member parties could come up with a reasonable compromise on the matter.
"This matter has to be thrashed out to find an amicable solution. But in the end, it is the people who would decide what sort of system they would want the Government to adopt.
"As far as I am concerned, the Federal Constitution is very important to decide on the political landscape," Zaid told reporters Thursday after handing RM200 to 150 poor people in Pengkalan Chepa, here.
Pakatan, he said, has to control the Government before it could even think of changing the Federal Constitution, and even then it would not be easy.
"What am I trying to emphasise is that Pakatan has to win in the next general election first and we will take it from there," he added.
tunku : another joke by zaid with his stupid statement.first he tries to please the non Muslims by saying that pkr and dap will not support hudud but then he tries to please the pas members by saying that thing can happen what is the actual stand here? stop fooling the people zaid especially during ramadhan.
zaid la dulu yg kuat menentang hudud di kelantan, skrg ni dia kata bg peluang pegang kerajaan persekutuan nak tukar perlembagaan.lidah bercabang kaki todi ni.
what he is saying comes from his political masters, which is to offer "possible" promises
not to fulfil them but to lure the gullible members in pas and pkr to vote the malaysian malaysia champions in
THEN they will change the constitution to remove all special rights and defend it as meritocacy
Be careful of such double-tongued talk
the proponents of malaysian malaysia NEEDS a Malay face to brainwash the majority to jet them into power
anwar was their favourite but he is more interested in lust. along came sleepy PM/kj then nik aziz, then zaid (botol)
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