She said it was not enough for Shahrizat to resign as minister when her senatorship expires on April 8, yet helm Wanita Umno and Wanita Barisan Nasional, especially with the general election coming up.
Datuk Kamilia Ibrahim
Public perception, she added, was that there was something “morally and politically wrong” with the way the National Feedlot Corp (NFCorp), which is managed by Shahrizat's husband and children, had handled the government loan.
“When it involves public funds, it involves the rakyat. The public is looking at it as a national issue that has tarnished the image of the Government. People are questioning how NFCorp could get a such a huge loan with only 2% interest rate and a five-year grace period before repayment when it is so difficult for the ordinary people to get loans.
“And they are asking how NFCorp could buy cars and condo units with the loan meant for (buying) cows,” she said in an interview.
“Our credibility is at stake. I've gone down to the grassroots and this is generally what the members are saying. They are finding it hard to meet the people when the image of their leader (Shahrizat) is tarnished.
“People are poking fun at Wanita and calling us cows'. The Wanita grassroots are saying susah nak kerja (it's difficult to work with the issue over their heads)'. And the Opposition is telling us not to do anything about it because it will make their work (for the general election) easier.
“As a leader, we have to listen to what the grassroots are saying.”
Kamilia's comments came two days before Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is due to meet the Wanita movement.
She said Najib had already made it clear that he did not want Shahrizat to continue as a minister and now it was up to Wanita to decide if it could still accept her as the kind of leader it wanted.
“As deputy, I have to do what is best for the party and the country. I may become unpopular but I am willing to accept it because this is part of my duty and responsibility. In the best interest of the party and Wanita, she should go,” she said.
She pointed out that it would be odd for Shahrizat to campaigning for a clean, fair and good government.
“We will leave it to her wisdom first. As a leader, she should be able to assess herself. Takkan kita nak beritahu (don't tell me we have to tell you what to do).”
tunku : no doubt shahrizat did splendid job as wanita chief but when the grassroots and the public wants you to go, if have no choice but to leave. shahrizat should now put party interest at the highest level. she can still help wanita if she wants too without the position. clear your family business court case first and let everything settle before you make your comeback again. now the big question here is whether kamilia can lead wanita to the most challenging general election which is around the corner?
Please get Rafidah to lead Wanita for this coming General Election.
Yup, Shahrizat must go. But I don't think Kammalia can lead Wanita UMNO.
rafidah????? you must be crazy . grow up.
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