The boat with 18 people on board had become unstable after being hit by strong waves and it crashed into a tugboat moored nearby. It capsized after it was hit by a second wave. 4 person died and two still missing.
tunku :first of all, deepest condolence the the family who lost their loved ones in this tragedy.
i wonder where are all the dap leaders.they are not commenting on this issue as it happened in penang,the state they control. how can they be so double standard on this matter.they should make noise like the collapsed bridge tragedy in perak. so we want the government to set up a royal commission,the parents to sue the teachers,school,ministry and the government for negligence. why the state government changed the event location from a dam to the open sea?
Tak kena maka tak tahu..
1. they are still waiting advice from their lawyers before making any statements....
Politics aside, sadly Malaysians are not safety conscious. Why was the boat allowed to proceed when not everyone had safety jackets ? At least the instructors should have insisted that everyone wear the safety jackets. Our culture is such that we tend to compromise with safety. Has anyone seen any police personnel whether in the patrol cars or other official cars wear safety belts ? The very people who are supposed to enforce are not good role models. Maybe it is more of the show of authority and power that they are exempted. That is stupid mentality
well ... because this Dragon Boat race does not have "1Malaysia" tag to it.
if it is known as 1Malaysia Dragon Boat Race Penang 2010, sure gomen (federal) will kena from left, right, centre, atas, bawah, belaKANG ...
Obvious isnt? Its UMNO who is behind this sad tragedy! If they can cause that much damage in Haiti, what is a few chinese in Penang.If you dont believe me go and ask PAS who have concluded long time ago that all bad things that happened in this country is because God is angry with UMNO for hogging to power for too long.And PAS cannot be wrong because it is an Islamic party.
to Ho ho ho...
if u dont know just keep quite.. dont show how stupid u are... polis tak pakai safety belt sebab itu SOP mereka.. untuk bertindak cepat jika ade sesuatu perkara berlaku... tak payah la nk salah kan org lain... benda dah jadikan... apa komen saudara bila kerajaan negeri tukar tempat pertandingan? kan dah selamat buat di empangan...
kalau bodoh sekali pun jangan tunjukkan.. buat malu mak bapak jer..
Ha... lepas ni barulah dap sibuk bekerja, takde masa nak asik berkempen menuduh sana sini
mula dengan mohon maaf
kemudian buat satu selidikan
terus pilih mangsa utk dipersalahkan
lalu bayar ganti rugi atau bayar saman ibubapa
kemudian keluarkan SOP
aisehman, sibuknya...
Ho ho ho got whored.
The DAP Government is not only racist but hyper kiasu and hipocrite.
Now this racist chinese party is singing a Middle Malaysia theme...with only 2 malays out of 31 DAP National Excos and none in their national Youth Wing, they can fly kite about being a champion to the people.
About the tragedy, well...I must say these father, son, daughter in law, cousin Lim Kit Siang (Minister of Royal Commission) duds are trying hard how to link the Dragon Boat with UMNO or Najib.
Or perhaps Lim Guan Eng might soon suggest that the boys and teacher had deliberately jump into the sea as instructed by the unseen hand of UMNO.
After all, as someone said, the Haiti, ang Guatamala earthquakes were the doings of UMNO...
To anonymous Jan 19 12.49 pm. I know the police are exempted from wearing the seat belt and the reasons for the exemption. But does this does not mean that they cannot show a better example. Even though driving the slow vehicles like jeeps are not wearing the seat belts. It just take a few second to unbelt even in pursuit. I can share many more examples of the police personnel who are supposed to enforce the rules but themselves comprising. Go to where they stay, I guarantee you that you will see them riding motorbikes with more than passengers and not wearing helmets. Another exemption.
So, this has nothing to do with my mak bapak. Sad thing, the authorities have closed one eye too long or maybe also shut the other eye.
To: ho ho ho (anon 8:51am)
What are you trying to say here ?
UMNO is at fault because the policemen don't wear seat belt ?
1. My lawyer is mc today.
2. Doc found out he is having a kancing gigi..
3. My Boss said..I really lost my words..
4. My top boss said..wait a telegram from uncle sam.
5. My aid said..I will check with dud..
6. Yes, It is not my problem.
In my initial comments of Jan 18 7.33 pm, I started by saying "Politics aside" I am not blaming UMNO nor siding DAP. I am just stating the fact that we tend to compromise with safety and I gave examples that police personnel who are supposed to enforce rules including those pertaining to safety are not showing good examples themselves. I DID NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE POLICE AND UMNO
Why are some of you so narrow minded ?
ho ho ho
your nic already reflects your ATTITUDE
what has drowning got to do with the police, huh??
your statement "the authorities have closed one eye too long or maybe also shut the other eye" is a VERY serious allegations - any SOLID proof to back your allegations
See you guys just LOVE to blame the policelah, the MACClah, UMNOlah, anything-Malay
Once again just what has drowning got to do with police and seat-belts???
Ha ha ha, yeah ...
We heard the Federal Government is calling for a Royal Commission to investigate Lim Kit Siang because Lim Kit Siang has failed to urge the Government to set up a Royal Commission to investigate the Dragon Boat Tragedy.
The Government suspected that the Dragon was an UMNO member and the Boat belonged to a Gerakan member.
The was also suspicion that the sea area where the tragedy happened was leased to a MCA member by a MIC member.
Is it true Mr Lim? We are all behind you, including Anwar "behind" you too.
dungu said...
We heard the Federal Government is calling for a Royal Commission to investigate Lim Kit Siang because Lim Kit Siang has failed to urge the Government to set up a Royal Commission to investigate the Dragon Boat Tragedy.
It is people like Anonymous of January 21, 2010 12:28 PM who are so narrow-minded and only want to look at things on racial lines. I never blame UNMO or any political parties. I wanted to cite examples as to how much we keep comprimising with safety and citing the police as an example as they who are supposed to enforced are not role models for the rest to follow.
It is sad when such a tragedy happens irrespective as to whether to a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Dusun, Bajau or any Malaysian
I repeat, any tragedy is not a racial issue to me. Others may want to take the opportunity to blame UMNO or even god (they say acts of god) BUT I DO NOT.
Please be more open minded
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