On 28th December 2009, Viva Palestina Malaysia (formerly known as COMPLETE) handed over a letter of appeal to the Egyptian Ambassador, asking for safe, easy and quick passage of all vehicles in the Viva Palestina convoy through Egypt into Gaza.
Sunday December 27th marks the anniversary of the attack on Gaza by Israel which left over 1,400 people dead, and over 5,000 injured in 22days. At 11 3 am, the time of the first attack, a group of humanitarians, on the "Viva Palestina Convoy" embarked on an International Hunger Strike in the main in Aqaba, Jordan.
The International Hunger Strike will aim to highlight the ongoing illegal siege imposed on Gaza, and to remember the victims of the attacks who died during the 22 day bombardment by Israel.
The International Hunger Strike also highlight the refusal by Egypt, under Israeli pressure, to allow the humanitarian aid to reach the 1.3 million civilian people in Gaza who continue to be subjected to collective, sustained, and devastating punishment.
The convoy has been stranded in the city for 3 days now, having been refused permission to enter Egypt on their way to Gaza. There are 500 people from no less than 20 different countries in 250 vehicles loaded with charitable humanitarian aid. The convoy is being led by leading international politician George Galloway, left London on December 6th.
Each day, 15 more people from the convoy will join in the International Hunger Strike, and they will go without food until the convoy is allowed to enter safely into Egypt and through the Rafah border to Gaza.
For Egypt to prevent this compassionate and charitable aid, donated by ordinary caring people from all over the world, unnecessarily adds to the hardships currently endured on a daily basis, by the besieged and distressed people in Gaza.
The volunteers in the Viva Palestina Convoy are hopeful that the leaders of the West will exert their influence, put pressure on Egypt, the United States, and Israel to end this inhuman blockade forced upon Gaza, and allow for the safe passage of this essential humanitarian aid. Enough is enough, this has to end now, for the sake of humanity.
Letter to H.E Hani Abdel Kader Ahmed Shash, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Viva Palestina Malaysia (formerly COMPLETE) has been following the progress of the above-mentioned convoy bringing aid to the Gaza strip. Consisting of the over 200 vehicles carrying many thousands of pounds worth of medical aid, food and clothing, this convoy has been organized by Viva Palestina and Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Viva Palestina Malaysia is a stakeholder in this mercy mission as we contributed GBP 43000 for the purchase of four ambulances filled with medical supplies. In addition, Perdana Global Peace Organisation, led by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad contributed five vehicles. It is hoped that our small contribution goes some way towards alleviating the burden of the Palestinians who continue to suffer under the brutal regime of Israel while most of the world watches silently.
We have been made aware that the convoy is currently waiting at the port of Aqaba for permission to cross the Red Sea, carrying with them desperately needed aid. The volunteers on the convoy have travelled a great distance and under challenging circumstances. They carry with them the hopes of the people of Gaza and their supporters around the world.
As an immediate neighbour with a common border with the Gaza Strip, Egypt has the advantage or ensuring smooth passage and is in prime position liberate the people of Gaza from their misery. The Prime Minister of Turkey, Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for everyone to do their share to make sure this convoy reaches Gaza and its people. The Egyptian government would do well to heed this further in the eyes of the public opinion.
Viva Palestina Malaysia appeals to the Egyptian government to allow the last leg of this arduous journey to be made easy for the convoy and more importantly, the government are confident that the Egyptian government will rise to aid of the people of Gaza.
We look forward to a speedy and just solution.
Thank you.
Dato' Adnan Mohd Tahir
Viva Palestina Malaysia
courtesy of bro jinggo
tunku : we don't understand why egypt is stopping the aid going into gaza? looks like they are the proxy of israel and usa. they convoys are not sending weapons to the palestinian,it is food,medicine,ambulance etc. the egyptian government should allow all these aid to past through their border into gaza.don't be so cruel and selfish like the jews.we hope the NGOs in egypt will pressure their government to allow the convoy to pass thru.
1 comment:
I cannot understand how a member of the United Nations is allowed to blockade the nation state of Gaza and then use sophisticated weapons to beat the hell out of them and in all that beating the United nations does not even caution that nation. I cannot even mentioned the name of that state
What is happening in Gaza is no different to what happened to the Bosnians druing the Yugoslav Crisis. The Bosnians were rounded up into safe-heavens and then put away right under the nose of the United Nations and the so called international community.
Surely there must be a way to make this rogue state comply to the United Nations Charter.Now who is going to bell that cat? Ramalx
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