Friday, September 30, 2011
Guan Eng the liar apologises to Johor Sultan
He made the apology at a press conference in Komtar at 1.10pm Friday.
Lim, however, did not admit making the statement and said he was still trying to locate the recording of what he said in Singapore.
“The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, had said he was offended by the statement made by me against Johor.
“Out of respect to the Johor Sultan, I wish to fully apologised to the Johor Sultan and his subjects, the people of Johor. I have no intention whatsoever to discredit Johor or any other state,” he said.
Lim was alleged to have made the remarks at a Correspondents Club of Singapore luncheon last month.
It was reported that an alleged transcript of Lim's speech, released on the Internet, quoted him as saying: “You don't have to worry about your safety when you come to Penang. In Johor, if you are a Singaporean, you are likely to get kidnapped.”
Lim had said Thursday he was unsure if the remarks were made in a private capacity but denied saying so in his prepared speech text at the function.
tunku : the liar at last apologized. he should be shameful as he denied earlier that he had said those thing. what about if there was no recording of his speech? if there is none,he will just deny it till now and put all the blames to bernama or umno. this twisted tongue guy should not be trusted at all.full of craps.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Pakatan Will Not Implement Hudud Laws, Says Anwar
He said the Pakatan leadership respected PAS stand on the issue but at the same time accepted the views of the DAP, which opposed hudud laws.
"We cannot deny the right of any party to voice out what it wants, but we are bound by a common framework and the Federal consititution," he told a press conference after chairing a meeting of Pakatan's leadership council at PAS' headquarters here Wednesday night.
Also present were DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang, DAP chairman Karpal Singh, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president, Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
The meeting was called following PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat's controversial remarks that the party would implement hudud laws if it came into power.
tunku : so it's confirmed that pakatan will not implement hudud which means nik aziz only talk is just to fish for votes. pas had failed and is the biggest losers in pakatan.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Dap like a small child afraid of ghost: Nik Aziz
The PAS spiritual leader contended that hudud, which was to be implemented in Kelantan, was fairer and "did not involve the non-Muslim community." As such, DAP had no reason to oppose it, he said.
"Why does the DAP want to leave (the opposition pact)? Hudud is for the Muslims.
"So, what is DAP's connection with the Muslims? Some people are scared of hudud like they're scared of ghosts," he told reporters at the Mentri Besar's residence.
Nik Aziz had said the hudud law would be implemented in Kelantan's syariah courts despite opposition from DAP.
DAP leaders had reportedly said that they would resign en bloc if hudud implementation was incorporated into the common policy framework of the opposition grouping.
tunku: pakatan has issued a gag order for the hudud issue but this old man still being stubborn and keep hitting at Dap. Looks like the ordet does not applied on him coz like karpal said the old man is seeking for attention. May be he is hitting at hadi awang.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Guan Eng: DAP top leadership will quit if hudud law included in Pakatan policy
"If there is any mention that we want to implement hudud law in our common policy framework and Buku Jingga, the party's entire central committee will resign," party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng told reporters after officiating DAP's Federal Territories convention here Sunday.
He said the pact between DAP, PAS and PKR had been agreed upon in "black and white" and was aimed at collaboration on common issues such as justice, the fight against corruption and upholding ruman rights.
"Hudud law was never included in Pakatan's common policy framework and if it is not included, it should not be part of the agenda," he said.
DAP and PAS are at loggerheads over the implementation of hudud law and formation of an Islamic state, after PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Seri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat recently called for their implementation in Kelantan.
PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim shocked his Pakatan allies when he openly supported PAS' plan to implement hudud law in Kelantan.
However, DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said his party had never accepted hudud or the idea of setting up an Islamic state and neither had Pakatan made an official stand supporting it.
tunku : so we know that nik aziz is alone on this issue, even pas president and his deputy had not back him i guess what karpal said is right, the old man(nik aziz) is seeking for attention when he brought up the issue.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
DAP Wants Emergency Meeting To Discuss Hudud Laws
DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said the party would always oppose the establishment of an Islamic state and that the Pakatan secretariat should arrange for an urgent meeting.
He said, any delay to address the contentious matter would severely erode public confidence, especially among non-Muslims, on Pakatan.
"An emergency meeting must be held immediately to publicly clarify Pakatan's stand on the issue and the controversy must end, once and for all," he told reporters here Saturday.
It was reported early this week that Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat had said that PAS would not back down from plans to institute an Islamic state and Hudud agenda, and that the DAP could leave the loose coalition of opposition parties, if it was against it.
However, Karpal, who is also Bukit Gelugor member of parliament, said an Islamic state could never be implemented in any part of the Federation of Malaysia because the Federal Constitution simply did not allow it.
The Pakatan coalition comprises the DAP, PKR and PAS.
tunku : dont worry dap, nik aziz is just trying to divert mat sabu's issue with this hudud. they have said it clearly at their "muktamar" that they won't proceed with hudud or islamic agenda. dap should just accept nik aziz's remark and support hudud.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Dr M - PAS' Hudud is sheer propaganda.
KUALA LUMPUR : PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s sudden revived interest in wanting to implement Hudud and pursue the setting up of an Islamic state is a political propaganda to win back dwindling Muslim support.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad told The Mole that PAS was actually in a dilemma following the party’s decision to drop their quest to set up an Islamic state and implement Hudud.
“This is the problem with PAS, they are never very consistent. When they see that dropping (the struggle for an) Islamic state and Hudud makes them very unpopular now they want to come back and say that they want to implement (Islamic state and Hudud).
“But they know very well that they cannot implement simply because they are afraid they will not get the support of Karpal Singh and the DAP. … So what they are saying now is just propaganda to win back Muslim votes.
“PAS is in a dilemma. On one hand they want the non-Muslim support on the other hand they are afraid they would lose the Muslim support,” the former Prime Minister and Umno president said when met at the National Mosque on Friday.
Nik Aziz who is also Kelantan Mentri Besar rekindled PAS’ aspiration to implement the party’s version of Hudud a few days ago and insisted that the party has never dropped its struggle for an Islamic state.
During PAS’ 57th muktamar in early June, the party dropped their long-standing quest for an Islamic state and adopted the welfare state concept.
Party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang made the ‘Welfare State’ announcement at the end of the muktamar, much to the chagrin of PAS’ own members and supporters.
But Nik Aziz revived the Hudud issue again when he recently accused Dr Mahathir of single handedly preventing PAS from implementing Hudud in Kelantan when the latter was Prime Minister.
Nik Aziz said the high number of HIV/AIDS cases in Kelantan could have been prevented had PAS been allowed to implement the Hudud laws.
Dr Mahathir responded by challenging Nik Aziz to implement the Hudud now since he is no longer the Prime Minister.
Yesterday Nik Aziz firmly said “We don't care what DAP leaders have to say about Hudud. There is no need for any further discussion with DAP on PAS's stance to implement Hudud in Kelantan because it is our right to do so. DAP can leave (Pakatan) if they want to”.
Asked if he had any advice for PAS supporters and members who appeared confused over the party’s version of Hudud, Islamic state and welfare state, Dr Mahathir said “ Pas members, in particular, must know what is important in Islam. The most important thing in Islam is not how you punish (or) how the trial is carried out. The most important thing in Islam is justice.
“If in carrying out any procedure or sentence and they cause injustice then it is not Islamic. So, I suggest they go back and read the Quran on the issue of justice in Islam.”
Dr Mahathir also urged Nik Aziz to make public a letter that the PAS’ leader claimed was the main stumbling block for Hudud in Kelantan.
“Ask him (Nik Aziz) to produce the letter,” Dr Mahathir quipped.
this is the letter:
YAB Tuan Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat
Menteri Besar Kelantan
Y.A.B. Tuan Haji,
Rujukan : MB(KN)(S)16/6/(26)
Bertarikh 8 Jun 1994
Pihak kerajaan pusat sentiasa berpandukan kepada kebijaksanaan (al-Hikmah) yang telah ditunjukkan oleh baginda Rasulullah SAW. dan juga para sahabat baginda khususnya al-khulafa ar-Rasyidun dalam melaksanakan ajaran Islam lebih-lebih lagi yang berkaitan dengan hukum-hukum jenayah.
1. Jalan yang diambil oleh Kerajaan Pusat ini adalah juga berpandukan kepada kaedah yang terdapat dalam sistem pemerintahan Islam iaitu “tindakan pemerintahan adalah sentiasa bergantung kapada kepentingan ramai (muslihat umum).” Penguatkuasaan kanun jenayah yang digubal oleh Kerajaan PAS di Kelantan, menurut kajian sehingga setakat ini tidak menampakkan dan tidak menyakinkan pakar-pakar perundangan Islam yang tidak mempunyai sebarang kepentingan politik bahawa ia selari dengan ajaran dan kehendak Islam sebagaimana yang telah diuruskan dengan bijaksana oleh Rasulullah SAW. dan para sahabat.
2. Sepertimana yang Amat Berhormat sendiri sedia ketahui, KEADILAN adalah ASAS yang paling utama ditekankan oleh agama Islam apabila melaksanakan sesuatu perkara. Penekanan mengenai dengan keadilan adalah sangat terserlah dalam ajaran Islam lebih daripada penekanan yang terdapat dalam ajaran-ajaran yang lain dalam sejarah agama. Baginda Rasulullah SAW sewaktu mengembangkan agama Islam ialah usaha menghapuskan ketidakadilan yang menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya di zaman itu.
3. Tidak perlu bagi saya menyatakan disini betapa banyaknya terdapat ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang menegaskan tentang pentingnya keadilan dan lebih banyak bagi ayat-ayat yang mencela sebarang jenis kezaliman. Disamping itu al-Quran juga sentiasa menggesa supaya dielak daripada terjadinya huru-hara dan Allah sendiri sangat tidak gemarkan kapada mereka yang menyebabkan huru-hara berlaku. Kita hanya bertindak balas terhadap sikap permusuhan dan serangan yang dilakukan terhadap kita. Di Malaysia, orang bukan Islam bukan sahaja tidak memusuhi kita tetapi mereka memberi kerjasama bahkan membantu kita dalam urusan-urusan yang bersangkutan dengan kegiatan dan amalan ajaran Islam.
4. Khusus mengenai undang-undang jenayah PAS di Kelantan, kajian awal menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa undang-undang itu yang disediakan menerusi perjuangan sebuah parti politik ternyata bukan sahaja menyebabkan ketidakadilan aakan berlaku tetapi, sebaliknya ia akan membawa kezaliman. Kebenaran kenyataan ini adalah berdasarkan kapada keterangan berikut:
(i) Dakwaan bahawa undang-undang ini akan dikuatkuasakan hanya di kalangan orang Islam sahaja dan tidak digunapakai untuk orang bukan Islam akan menyebabkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman yang ketara berlaku. Memang benar di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW., orang Yahudi biasa dihukum di bawah undang-undang yang berada di dalam kitab Taurat mereka tetapi kitab Taurat mempunyai hukuman yang tidak berbedza dengan hukum-hukum dalam al Quran. Mereka yang berzina umpamanya, akan dihukum rejam sama seperti hukuman terhadap jenayah yang sama bagi orang Islam. Justru itu tidak ada perbedzaan sama ada penjenayah dihukum di bawah undang-undang Islam atau Undang-undang Yahudi di zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tetapi terdapat perbedzaan yang amat ketara di antara hukuman di bawah undang-undang yang ada sekarang dengan hukuman di bawah undang-undang jenayah yang dicadangkan oleh kerajaan PAS di Kelantan.
Menghukum orang Islam dengan lebih berat tetapi orang bukan Islam dengan amat ringan untuk jenayah yang sama atau jenayah dilakukan bersama amatlah tidak adil dan merupakan satu kezaliman, sedangkan undang-undang PAS akan menyebabkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman berlaku, maka undang-undang PAS tidak boleh diterima sebagai undang-undang Islam atau secucuk dengan undang-undang Islam ataupun selaras dengan ajaran Islam. Ia sebenarnya tertentangan dengan agama Islam.
(ii) Masaalah kesalahan merogol wanita, berdasarkan kapada undang-undang PAS, jika seseorang wanita yang belum kahwin melahirkan anak maka ini adalah bukti ia telah berzina dan akan dihukum mengikut undang-undang PAS, sedangkan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku ialah wanita itu adalah mangsa rogol. Mengikut undang-undang PAS jika ia menuduh perogolnya, tuduhan hanya boleh diterima sah jika terdapat empat orang saksi (yang terdiri daripada orang-orang yang baik, yang tidak melakukan dosa besar) yang menyatakan bahawa telah melihat dengan terang dan jelas bahawa yang dituduh telah merogol wanita berkenaan.
Seperti kita ketahui, melainkan dalam keadaan perang seperti di Bosnia diwaktu mana orang Serb merogol beramai-ramai wanita Bosnia, tidak mungkin jenayah merogol dilakukan di hadapan saksi-saksi yang terdiri daripada orang-orang yang baik. Jika saksi ini melihat dan mereka tidak menolong wanita berkenaan, mereka boleh dianggap sebagai bersubahat seperti penjenayah-penjenayah Serb bersubahat dengan perogol daripada kaum mereka. Jika ada pun saksi, dan mereka tidak membuat apa-apa untuk menolong mereka tidak boleh dianggap sebagai terdiri daripada orang yang baik, tetapi disebaliknya dianggap sudah bersubahat. Dengan itu tuduhan mangsa rogol akan ditolak dan perogol akan terlepas.
Keadaan di mana mangsa rogol dihukum salah kerana melahirkan anak di luar nikah dan perogol dilepaskan sebagai tidak bersalah kerana tidak ada saksi adalah sama sekali tidak boleh diterima oleh sesiapa pun sebagai sesuatu yang adil, bahkan aia adalah satu kezaliman yang dahsyat.
5. Hukum Hudud Islam bertujuan untuk memberi keadilan kapada semua pihak. Ia bukanlah bertujuan untuk melakukan kezaliman. Undang-undang PAS jelas menunjukkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman yang ketara akan berlaku. Justeru itu undang-undang yang disediakan oleh PAS bukanlah undang-undang yang menepati ajaran Islam. Ia hanyalah undang-undang ciptaan PAS yang bertentangan dengan penekanan oleh agama Islam yang menuntut supaya menghukum secara adil dan menolok sebarang kezaliman. Kerajaan Pusat akan sentiasa berpandu dan menerima ajaran-ajaran dan amalan Islam dari semua aspek tanpa diheret oleh kehendak organasasi politik yang mempunyai kepentingan yang lain daripada Islam dan kepentingannya.
6. Jika undang-undang PAS yang jelas mengandungi unsur-unsur ketidakadilan dikuatkuasakan dinegara ini, dan jika ia dikatakan itulah Hukum Hudud Islam maka umat Islam dan juga anggota masyarakat bukan Islam akan hilang kepercayaan Islam membawa keadilan untuk penganutnya. Ia juga memberi gambaran yang buruk terhadap agama yang suci ini dan menjejaskan imej orang-orang Islam di kalangan penganut agama-agama yang lain. Ia tetap akan menyebabkan penganut agama lain menjauhkan diri daripada agama Islam dan menyebabkan orang yang berminat memeluk Islam menolaknya.
7. Kerajaan Pusat tidak berhajat untuk bersubahat dengan PAS bagi melaksanakan ketidakadilan semata-mata untuk kepentingan politik dan sokongan oleh orang yang telah diabui matanya. Kerajaan Malaysia yang sentiasa dan terus mempertahankan ajaran dan nilai-nilai Islam tidak dapat membenarkan Kerajaan Pas menjalankan sesuatu yang bercangah dengan prinsip keadilan dalam Islam, maka Kerajaan Pusat akan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya terhadapKerajaan PAS demi menjaga maruah dan ketinggian martabat Islam dan penganut-penganutnya.
15 Julai 1994
Friday, September 23, 2011
MCA can withdraw from BN now.
PETALING JAYA: Pakatan Rakyat's fickleness and indecisive stand on the hudud law has once again revealed friction in the pact's leadership, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said Friday.
He said Opposition leader adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's show of open support Thursday for hudud law to be implemented in Kelantan showed that the Opposition coalition could not agree on even a basic issue.
He also reiterated MCA's strong objection against the hudud law, saying the party would withdraw from Barisan Nasional if its ally Umno were to ever consider implementing an Islamic state.
"We can forget about driving the nation into a high-income economy status if hudud law is implemented (as it affects) investors' confidence," Dr Chua told reporters after the opening ceremony of the Making A High Income Nation A Reality national conference here Friday.
Meawhile, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said it was not time for hudud to be implemented yet, and that Dr Chua's statement that MCA would retract from Barisan should hudud be implemented was merely based his own assumption.
Speaking after prayers with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia students in Bangi, Muhyiddin said Umno's stand was not the same as PAS.
tunku : MCA can leave BN even now if they want, don't have to wait if Umno agrees or not with hudud implementation. we do not need a party that like to threat or blackmail. Umno is considering of implementing it and only waiting for the right time and the time is not when chua said that if Umno ever consider to implement it they will withdraw, so please ,GO.don't worry chua, you won't be punished with 100 strokes of cane for your act in your porn video because first,you are not a muslim and second video evidence is not used by syariah laws.
DAP Can Leave Pakatan, I Am Firm About Implementing Hudud Laws, Says Nik Aziz
"I am firm about this, implementing hudud laws has been talked about for some 50 years and is not something new. There has been endless dialogues on it.
"DAP had previously pulled out from the opposition pact Angakatan Perpaduan Ummah (APU) because of this (implementing hudud laws). If now they want to do the same (pull out from the Pakatan coalition because of hudud laws, that is their problem," he told reporters after attending a civic function at Pusat Tarbiyah Islamiah Kelantan (Putik) here Thursday.
Nik Aziz was commenting on the statement by DAP chairman Karpal Singh yesterday that the DAP rejected hudud laws and turning Malaysia into a fully Islamic state because this was against the Federal constitution.
The Pakatan coalition is made up of the DAP, PKR and PAS.
Under hudud laws, thieves hands are chopped off, adulterers will be stoned to death and murderers executed.
tunku : don't be surprised if dap supports hudud as pakatan knows that they have enough non malays vote and now they want to pull the supports from the malays.pas is playing this issue again as they know election is near and i'm sure the lim dynasty will support it except for that nik aziz had challenged dap, let see what dap has to say about this matter.